Vermont Harvest of the Month Resources for Food Service Providers
Use Vermont Harvest of the Month (VTHOM) original artwork, signage, recipes, and activities to explore, promote, and cook through the Vermont seasons. With a featured harvest each month, VTHOM can provide inspiration for your kitchen & restaurant. Follow the VTHOM calendar to create seasonal, healthy, and delicious menu items. Use our materials to market your restaurant as the go-to spot for local cuisine and as a supporter of Vermont farmers and the community.
Great Ways to Participate:
How you utilize VTHOM materials is up to you. With our resources, you can:
Sign the Pledge and receive a monthly newsletter.
Purchase VTHOM posters to display in your kitchen.
Use VTHOM recipes (or create your own based on the VTHOM calendar) to craft seasonal dishes for your menu.
Use VTHOM menu inserts or table-top displays as marketing materials (available for free download under the "Monthly Materials" tab).
Use VTHOM Tools to Get Started:
Access all the materials you need to promote local, seasonal eating in your establishment. Download free resources including:
Recipe cards, activities, and product information
Table-top displays and menu inserts
Archived materials for past VTHOM crops
Increase your local food procurement:
Contact your distributor and ask for local options.
Go direct to the farmer.
Explore the local food procurement resource guide below.
Share the harvest with us on Instagram or on Facebook.
Contact any of these programs for more information on local produce delivery or farmers in your area:
Addison County Relocalization Network - A nonprofit that provides grower outreach, farm-to-school programming, and produces an annual Addison County Local Food and Farm Guide.
Green Mountain Farm-to-School - A nonprofit providing farm-to-school programming, a regional food hub, and coordination of the statewide Vermont Harvest of the Month Campaign.
Rutland Area Food and Farm Link - A nonprofit that provides and oversees an annual Locally Grown guide, food and cooking education, a regional food hub, and farm business development.
Food Connects - A source for finding local produce markets, farm-to-school information, and local food hubs. Windham Farm and Food A regional food hub project of Food Connects.
NOFA VT - A statewide nonprofit providing assistance and education for farmers and organizations, community food access, farm-to-school and farm-to-institution support, and a directory of local and organic markets.
VT Farm to Plate, Food Systems Atlas - A searchable map for Vermont people, places, and resources in Vermont’s food system.
VT Feed - A program of NOFA VT, VT Feed provides statewide farm-to-school programming.